

Hike Location and Carpool

Attending: 0

Maybe Coming: 0

Not Coming: 0

Sunday June 26 2011
Tibble Fork Loop in Utah

Organized by
Steve Baker

6900 South Park and Ride
9:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Feet of Elevation
Visual Possibilities Hiking Group
Meeting Address
6900 South Park and Ride

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Hike Description:

VP hikers,

This Sunday Bruce and Conley will be leading a loop hike at Tibble Fork, in American Fork Canyon. I'm not going on Sunday, but if someone is interested hiking with me on Monday, email and we will make a plan.

DOGS: Call Bruce and talk to him about this.

LENGTH: Unsure

DIFFICULTY: You can do it!


LUNCH WITH A VIEW: Don't forget to bring one and bug spray.

MEETING TIME: We will leave the parking lot at 9:00 AM. Come 15 minutes early to socialize.

FIRST MEETING PLACE: Meeting at 7200 South and I-15 freeway. If you are heading south on I-15, take the 7200 South Exit. At the light turn left (east), make a quick right onto the Frontage Road. The Frontage Road is between 1-15 and McDonald's. From 7200 South, we get on I-15, drive south and make a stop at 12300 South to meet up with Bruce's group. After regrouping, we all drive to the trailhead.

SECOND MEETING PLACE II: If you live in the Draper area, meet Bruce at the 7-11 on 12300 South. Exit on 12300 South, off 1-15 and drive west. Drive past the first light and watch for the 7-11 on the right side. Meet Bruce there at 9:15 AM. Please CALL Bruce to let him know this is your plan.

FEE AREA: American Fork Canyon charges a $6 day pass fee. If you have a card, bring it with you. Make sure to split this cost with your driver.

DRIVERS: We always need drivers for carpooling. Please offer to be one.

See you on the trail,

Your hiking leaders:

Conley Adams - 801-232-3452
Bruce Moore - 801-573-8443

Recommended Clothing:

Recommended Food:

Cancellation Condition:

Dogs Allowed:


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