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Approximate route statistics:
Please note that Mileage and Cumulative Elevation Gain are approximate, and are shown FOR REFERENCE ONLY. The actual numbers will be 10-50% higher, depending how accurately hike organizer plotted the route. Unless you can walk - no, FLY! - a perfect straight line!
9.5 miles roundtrip. Gently rolling terrain. Easy to follow route, no turns. Trail is well-maintained for the first 3 miles. The last 1.7 milesGreat views of the ocean. Bird rock. Elks. Wildflowers (Coast Bush Lupin, Wild Radish, California poppy, Douglas Iris). No Shade. Can be windy/foggy. Historical Pierce ranch at the trailhead.
Trails well-maintained for the first 3.5 miles. For the last mile you need to go through the brush. Lots of wildflowers there. The end of point is all yellow from blooming lupins. Saw lots of elk.
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