Lake of the Woods State Wildlife Area
Use the park page to learn about local hiking, nature, trailheads, trail and route maps, and groups that meet here. If you know something about this area. Please feel welcome to write about it here.
General Information
Lake of the Woods Area is located in Northern California, between highway 99 and highway 70, just north of Sacramento. It is a popular destination for many land and water based recreational activities such as fishing, hiking, camping, kayaking, hanging out on the beach and simply relaxing while getting a tan, and much more.
We currently do not have any record of trailheads in this park.
Routes and Trails You Can Travel
We currently do not have any record of good routes in this park.
The hiking in the area is quite scenic as it is largely along the river. The trails offer some great views of water and various birds that thrive in that habitat.
The weather around the Sacramento area can at times be arid and quite hot. During those times, hiking along water is great because the water is naturally a little bit refreshing and helps to not become as tired. It is also always nice to have the opportunity to swim in the river a little bit after your hike to refresh.
Climate and Weather
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Some of the animals that can be spotted at the park are coyotes and smaller land-based animals like squirrels. Water based animals that can be spotted are river otters.
Some of the types of trees in the area are valley oaks and cottonwoods.
The beautiful California Rose can be found here, together with many different beautiful species of other flowers.
Other Plants
Camping Possibilities
Camping is a possibility at Lake of the Woods. For realizable and up to date information on the availability and rates, please contact park representatives.
Other Information
Driving Directions
The closest address is Yuba City, CA 95991
Park Map
Photos From This Park
So far there are no photos which have been uploaded from this park. You can be the first!
Hiking or Walking Groups Nearby
Group Name: test
Group Description: test
Group Name: GRN Hike
Group Description: Hiking!
Group Name: Sacramento Backpacking
Group Description: Sacramento-area based group with a preference for multiple-day excursions into the backcountry.
Group Name: Sonoma County Wanderers
Group Description: This is a hiking group for the intermediate hiker! For a hiker that enjoys a relaxed pace, conversation, picture taking and the journey as much as the destination. We usually do between 4 and 10 miles with moderate elevation gain.
Come join us!
Group Name: Muir Woods and Marin Hiking
Group Description: hiking in Muir Woods and other nearby areas. There is even a trail with a small bar at the end of it - join us!
Group Name: Roam the Woods: Women Specific Backpacking
Group Description: Get Trail Smart! Roam offers one and two week backpacking learning vacations for women. We utilize National Parks and Wilderness areas across the U.S. as our "classroom". Have you ever wanted to see glacier fed lakes, long distance trails, dormant volcanoes, waterfalls, lush meadows, mountain streams, awe inspiring peaks…and have the confidence to accept every lesson Mother Nature provides? Roam will show you the way! Visit: for more information
Group Name: Amazon HIking and Adventure Group
Group Description: Fairfield, CA based Women's Hiking & Outdoor Adventure Group! The Amazon Group is a group for meeting other Women in their 20's and 30's who enjoy hiking, outdoors, and fitness. This group is for healthy/fit women who love to be outdoors and enjoy activities like: Hiking, backpacking, river-rafting, kayaking, and camping! Whether you are an experienced hiker or have never hiked before, join us! Other events include girl's night outs, hanging out, and day trips to fun new places. We also often stop at nearby places for good brews, food and conversation after hikes. Have fun while getting fit! Make new friends! Take time out of your busy life and get outside, and meet new people.
Group Name: San Francisco Hiking Group
Group Description: Scenic hikes and challenging rock climbing along the Bay with views of the Pacific Ocean, Golden Gate Bridge, Presidio, and Sausalito. Good way to make friends with San Francisco locals and enjoy some good hiking!
Group Name: Snowdogs
Group Description: Hiking, Running, Skiing/Snowboarding and other outdoor activities
Group Name: test group
Group Description: Group for testing
Group Name: Bay Area Birders
Group Description: This group is for birding people in the San Francisco Bay area. I figure we can open it to everyone. I will not be the "leader", but I hope that each of you will step forward now and then to lead some kind of outing. Roy
Upcoming Hikes
There are no upcoming hikes. Be the first to start one!
Past Hikes
Ultra Long Hike Which Requires Training | 93.4 km away
Date: Sunday, 3-7-2010
Description: I want to train with some people to do a really long and strenuous hike - maybe around 30+ miles. Maybe find some record to break :) Any ideas?
Shipwreck Hunt During Low Tide | 92.9 km away
Date: Saturday, 1-29-2011
Description: The original shipwreck hunt was a very popular event, so we are scheduling another event to see the two ships that can be spotted in the ocean during low tide! We will meet at: 870 El Camino Del Mar, San Francisco, California That is the trailhead. The hike is 2 miles each way. The terrain is pretty easy, but in the middle there are few mid-sized hills. Here is a page describing Lands End:
Shipwreck Hunt Hike | 92.9 km away
Date: Sunday, 2-13-2011
Description: Since this was such a popular event last time, we will be doing this hike again. The hike is scheduled specifically during a time of low tide when tops of two drowned ships can be seen. One ship is during the middle of the hike and the other ship is at the end of the hike. The event is free, but donations on the site or at the event are appreciated since it takes a lot of time and effort to organize the event. Here is a link to Lands End to see what you can expect: Children are welcome on this hike, but must be closely supervised by their parents.
Cannons, Ecology and Palace of Fine Arts Hike at the Presidio | 91.8 km away
Date: Sunday, 2-20-2011
Description: This will be a really beautiful and historic hike through the Presidio. We will meet at the Arguello Gate, walk along the Ecology Trail, then through the army base to see the old Officers Homes and a display of historic cannons used by the army. We will then go to the Palace of Fine Arts for a break and a little snack (10-20 minutes), and then we will head back. Here is some information about the Presidio:
Shipwreck Hunt Hike | 92.9 km away
Date: Sunday, 2-27-2011
Description: Since this was such a popular event last time, we will be doing this hike again. The hike is scheduled specifically during a time of low tide when tops of two drowned ships can be seen. One ship is during the middle of the hike and the other ship is at the end of the hike. The event is free, but donations on the site or at the event are appreciated since it takes a lot of time and effort to organize the event. Here is a link to Lands End to see what you can expect: Children are welcome on this hike, but must be closely supervised by their parents.
Presidio Ridge Trail To Golden Gate Bridge | 91.8 km away
Date: Sunday, 3-13-2011
Description: This will be mid-difficulty hike. We will meet at the Arguello gate and hike along the (relatively newly built) Ridge Trail which is very scenic. The hike goes to the bottom of Golden Gate Bridge.
Once we get to the bridge, we will go back along the same path to where we started.
Arrowhead Marsh Bird Walk | 88.3 km away
Date: Sunday, 3-20-2011
Description: This walk is by Arrowhead Marsh near the Oakland Airport. The area is popular with birders because of winter waterfowl population, and frequent sighting of California Clapper Rails. We meet at 1:00 pm in the main parking lot. From 880, head toward the Oakland Airport. Turn right at Pardee Drive, then left on Swan Way, and right to enter the park. Ignore the first 2 parking areas, and continue to the end of the road by the observation tower. Approach the water. I will be sitting on the fishing dock, wearing a dorky white hat with a cape. High tide is at 1:42 pm, offering a good change of seeing a clapper rail or two. If that fails, we can try again in the late afternoon. Meanwhile, we can wander about various pond and shoreline areas to observe a variety of waterfowl. Here is a link to park information and a park map. All walking is level and paved. Bicycles are allowed. Distance depends on what we care to do. The loop around the New Marsh and seasonal p ....
Lost in the Presidio Hike Adventure | 91.8 km away
Date: Sunday, 3-27-2011
Description: This will be an experimental hike where we take trails we don't really know and see if we get lost, and can find our way back. Do not worry! The Presidio is not very big and I know it pretty well. So really, we won't be very lost. But it will be fun to orient ourselves and see if we can figure out different trails in a somewhat unusual and experimental situation where everyone can contribute. We will meet at the Arguello gate. There is plenty of parking on the streets there.
Musical Chairs Presidio Hike | 91.8 km away
Date: Saturday, 4-2-2011
Description: To make the hike more fun and social, we will do some experiments with playing musical chairs with whom you hike next to, and who leads the hike. The focus will be on making it fun, healthy, social, and creative. Game suggestions are welcome The hike will be through many different Presidio trails. There is plenty of parking on the streets.
San Francisco Hilltop Tour | 93.6 km away
Date: Saturday, 4-9-2011
Description: Great for ALL LEVELS of hiker! A popular favorite, we sample all the great views from San Francisco's central hills. Hikers are encouraged to do any portion of the hike, stopping to do other city-things when they've had enough, or catching a bus or calling a cab--you can even join us along the way if you call and track us down en route. The entire loop is 13 miles and goes from Bernal Hill to Holly Park, Glen Canyon, Mount Davidson, Twin Peaks, Tank Hill, Monument Hill, the Vulcan and Saturn Steps, Corona Heights with the Castro, Dolores Park and the wild murals of Clarion Alley on the way back to Bernal. This will be the fourth time Mike has led this hike. The route is similar to this:,-122.44537+to:37.7454984,-122.4463794+to:37.74606,-122.44726+to:37.746284,-122.4433892+to:37.7469013,-122.4450711+to:Portola+Dr+to:37.738394,-122.453243+to:Twin+P ....
Length of Golden Gate Park Hike and Learning About Nature | 92.8 km away
Date: Sunday, 4-10-2011
Description: Spring is a great time to see the different blooming wildflowers and other plants. I don't know too much about flowers or plants, but I promise to read up on it and share what I know. The hike itself will be the length of Golden Gate Park and back. It will take about 45 minutes each way and we will break in the middle by the ocean.
Lowest Tide Sunrise Shipwreck Hike | 92.9 km away
Date: Tuesday, 4-19-2011
Description: This will be super-low-tide and I think the ships will be most visible exactly at this time and date of the month. We will also probably catch the sunrise. The hike is very early in the day, so if we will all be awake we will have a little historic talk and about an hour hike. After that we will all probably take the bus to work together. :) I am very excited about this particular tide because it is supposed to be extremely low. There is plenty of parking in the area, and we will all gather at the sign which says Lands End.
2 Buck Chuck Wine ;) Scavenger Hunt Hike | 91.8 km away
Date: Sunday, 5-1-2011
Description: In another attempt to make hiking more fun and spontaneous, I will plant some wine bottles in random places of the Presidio and we will try to find the wine. I will let others lead so that it is truly a scavenger hunt. If the park rangers or the squirrels do not find, and drink the wine, we will have some after about 2 hours of hiking.
Briones-Mt.Diablo Trail Part Deux - Shell Ridge to Mt.Diablo State Park | 74.4 km away
Date: Sunday, 5-8-2011
Description: This hike goes through Shell Ridge Open Space, Diablo Foothills Park to Mt.Diablo State Park and back. Meet at the Briones-Mt.Diablo Trail sign at the corner of La Casa Via and Corvey Ct in Walnut Creek. Park on the street.The sign is to the rear of John Muir Hospital off of Ygnacio Valley Road. We will walk 1 block west on Corvey Ct to the trailhead, follow the Briones-Mt.Diablo Trail across Shell Ridge Open Space, across the Diablo Foothills Regional Park into Mt.Diablo State Park. Stop for a break. [I am calling my Mom to wish her a Happy Mother's Day.] North on the Little Yosemite Trail, NW on Stage Road trail (now back inside Diablo Foothills Park), West on the Buckeye Ravine trail which reconnects with the Briones-Mt.Diablo trail and return to the Corvey Ct. trailhead
Hike to See the Statue of Yoda in the Presidio | 91.8 km away
Date: Sunday, 5-15-2011
Description: Of all the other cool hikes I have done in the Presidio, the Yoda statue seems to get people most excited :) To make the hike a little bit longer and better exercise, I'll first lead through some other trails like the Ridge Trail and the Ecology trail as well. There is plenty of street parking around the meeting point.