

Hiking group: Hike Mammoth Lakes!

Upcoming Hike(s):

No upcoming hikes scheduled.

Group Organizer: Julia Contaldi

Group Organizer Photo

wish to create hiking groups that will explore the Mammoth Lakes Basin area. Various established hiking trails from beginner to high altitude conditioned trail hound! Contact me on Twitter or Myspace @SierraJewel! Lets go hike!!!

Number of hikers: 2

Group Address: 93546

Group Discussion Board:

Hiking Member

I just joined. When I visited the page, it gave me a big button asking to join the group - so I did :)

Hiking Member
Julia Contaldi

this group is open to everyone! I dont know why is says its not open to new members cos it totally is!!! hope to fix that soon!

Hiking Member
Julia Contaldi

YAY! Thanks Alex! Have an awesome day!!!

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Group Members:

Hiking Member Alex
Hiking Member Linda Lewin